The SPIRIT element – excerpt from her new book BE Human – 12/03

“I am a circle within a circle, with no beginning and neverending”


There is, after these four elements, a fifth element. I won’t be going into it in detail or in the same manner as I have done with Earth, Air, Fire and Water because, the fifth element can’t be harnessed or even seen in such a way, physically. However, it really is a ‘beautiful’ thing.


The thought of the fifth element, started long before most of the larger civilizations established themselves, I am certain. Although, today it is seen as having begun with Aristotle. Yes, the very much loved and equally as much debated, old Totle. He had realized the idea among the public that the celestial realm was made of a fifth element, Ether, which is not found here in our sub lunar world.


Now, this element is commonly known as Spirit or Ether. I prefer Spirit, but still today i refer to the spheres of space up high in the air as ‘the Ethers’. This theory shocked many, as the number four is a stable, constant, familiar number of order. A compass has four cardinal points, a room has four walls, buildings are made up just about completely of right angles, producing a square or rectangle once again. Our language has included it in our every day words such as rectangle, regular, regulation, ruler, right, regiment and so on and on. So, when this so-called ‘fifth element’ came into play, it was certainly a shock to ‘the system’.


What needs to be taken into account and contemplated, is that this order of four goes no further than the physical and material realm. So, in addition to these four, there must be something more, not material, but spiritual. When you look at us lovely little humans, we have our bodily functions and our material existence, we have amazing minds and brains that make our actual movement possible. But, beyond this we, of course, have a soul and a spirit, agree? We are able to have notions, feelings and thoughts without having to be defined by them. Like I’ve said before, to understand your own body, look at the systems in nature, and to understand nature, look at the systems in your own body.


Since the Spirit element possesses no material form, just as our own spirit wouldn’t, it also possesses a vastness that takes hours, days, years, centuries and eons to really comprehend. Spirit is everywhere. It is in the trees, plants, animals, mountains, rivers and has no end and no beginning. It is in the never ending cosmos above and around our Earth. Spirit is in everything, and even more than that.


Ever think about adages like, “You’ve got spirit!” or “He is extremely spirited.”, even “She is a very spiritual person.”? Spirit is in you, throughout you, around you and also beyond your physical existence.


To many of you, the pentacle would seem like a religious symbol and, because it resembles the pentagram, some think it is even evil. This is a very big misconception which I have been trying to set right to the public for the majority of my life! The pentacle was formed by opening the fourfold cross into a fivefold pentacle to include this amazing fifth element. So, please, people, the pentacle is only a symbol of Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. It’s graceful, true, unfailing and unforgettably in everything we know to exist. That includes you and me, dear friend.


It is essential to, in all of your workings, remember the fifth element, as it is the point from which everything forms its existence. Although, keep in mind not to throw it in the same basket with the other four natural elements. It is treated and thought of differently.


Spirit has no correspondences because, everything can be opened to Spirit. Although, I have listed a few points below as a summary to best keep the mind on track and to easily be able to comprehend its vastness and beauty.


Direction: Centre, circumference, in, through, throughout and over


Time: Beyond time, it is all one


Season: The turning wheel of all the seasons


Sense: Hearing


Colours: White, clear, black, purple





Brightest blessings,


The WATER element – excerpt from her new book BE Human – 09/03



v  Cool, moist.


v  Direction: West


v  Represents creativity, regeneration, self exploration, movement, healing, feeling, emotions, flexibility, cleansing, receptivity, subconscious, inspiration


v  Chakra: Sacral (and Throat by association)

Water, oh, lovely, swishing, running Water. I have a feeling of serenity and calm “washing” over me, just at the thought of it. This element is used by each of us in our daily lives, yet taken so for granted and it’s mysteries have been easily forgotten. No one soul can argue the effect that Water has on us humans, be it within our bodies, or outside, over our skin. Air and Water together, are the duo of elemental matter that make up our needs to exist.


Our bodies are made up of between 60% and 78% of Water (depending on where you live, climate, how much you drink or don’t drink). This alone, is enough reason to really contemplate the vast qualities, urgency and mystery of this element. Water, among other elements, serves as a true binder which connects us to many of the other elements. It is an element of substance and great power over the human mind and body. Without it, we would literally seize to exist. Every living thing on this graceful planet needs Water to function. And it is no wonder that it contains part Oxygen – this already shows how interwoven Air and Water are on our planet, an ever present necessity to life.


Water is linked to the emotions, the changing tides if the ocean mimicking the ebb and flow of our feelings. It has the power to cleanse and renew, regeneration, to be transformed. Unlike Fire, which transforms, Water demands to be transformed, and as it wishes, it is always changing. It doesn’t destroy, only influences, by regenerating all that wishes to do so. Water is also the only element that can take on all three forms of gas, liquid and solid, which only confirms its ability to renew and change.

Not only this, but as it’s corresponding direction is West, the home of the setting Sun, it represents endings making way for the new. Renewal.


Water is the spring of life, as it represents the feminine aspects of nurturing, healing and emotion. Also creativity because, the womb is the creator of life, and so the womb and reproductive organs are linked to the Sacral Chakra, which is governed by this element.

Within each living thing, is the natural craving to create, to make new, to give birth to ideas and inspiration.

You can’t deny the feeling you have after a swim in the ocean, a bath, a shower or a dip in the pool. Think about how you would feel for a moment. Got it? O.K. Feelings of release, renewal, cleansing, healing and lightness wash over us when in the presence of Water. It is as motherly as a lioness over her cub, a perfect image of maternity. And she does nurture and heal – always.


Water stands for moving and for changing because, we all know if Water stands still, it will rot and attract slime, insects and remain almost ‘dead’. Water is meant to be ever moving and never stagnant, just we are meant to be. The flowing of it and the constant rearranging it goes through, as well as the natural desire to overflow, to increase, are also of Water’s unmeasurable strength.





Water is most commonly seen as liquid, and this is where you see most of its traits embodied – in the effects of its movements alone. As it is the most common liquid matter around on Earth, many think of it as representing the mother of all liquid matters and substances. It is the primal liquid, which has stayed with us loyally, despite us taking it for granted.

Even in different shapes and forms of gas, liquid and solid, its transformation always retains its basic elemental properties and its internal structure. In its natural state, Water can be found salty in seas, dams and oceans, usually undrinkable for most humans. Otherwise, fresh, derived from most mountains, springs and wells – the type of water each living thing requires. Fresh water is found in wells or in rivers.

Water is an unpredictable element, because it is so vast. It can rage and cause death and destruction upon those living near open seas and Waters but, simultaneously,  it also gives life and continues supporting it.
Water is in physical form one of the things you need to survive. It’s something that you quickly realize you have had too much of or when you are lacking it completely (headaches, dry skin, the list never ends!).

Water, in small proportions, actually, even in open waters, works in harmony with each of the other elements in a most mysterious way. When the Sun is out, Water can disappear in no time on a hot day in front of your eyes. It evaporates into vapour or gas which is carried by the wind, to the clouds, where it then slowly takes on liquid form once more. So that when the Earth gets to hot, or Fire becomes too dominant and destructive, the clouds release the Water which falls down back onto Earth and into the rivers and seas, to balance out the climate again. This explanation of balancing Fire and Water will be brought up in a moment. The heat of Fire seems to represent the natural elemental enemy of Water, as it is forever balancing it out. Water can extinguish Fire and  Fire is able make Water evaporate.

Water is an element with two faces, just as we are – when it comes to our emotions, I mean! It can wreck havoc or support life, cleanse and nurture. Doesn’t that sound familar to the human traits and emotions, friend? Very much so, I think.

There are many ways in which Water can be seen, as it has various froms and states of matter but, the physical items, places and things that correspond with it are just about endless. Here are a few:

v  Seas

v  Oceans

v  Lakes

v  Dams

v  Rivers

v  Streams

v  Running/moving Water (Showers, baths, pools, Jacuzzis)

v  Still standing Water (if replaced duly)

v  Waterfalls

v  Water features

v  Fish

v  Dolphins

v  Whales

v  Seaweed

v  Cups

v  Bowls

v  Barrels

v  Chalices

v  Water corresponding stones and crystals, such as Aquamarine and Turquoise.


Colours that correspond with Water are:


v  Blue

v  Indigo

v  Green

v  Aqua

v  Silver

v  Purple



Now that the physical matter of the element of Water has been listed and is now fully acknowledged, we can go on to look at how the matter of Water corresponds with our bodies mentally, emotionally and physically.


As we now know, Water corresponds with our Sacral Chakra (beneath your Navel, just above your pubic bone), it effects the emotions, feelings and the amazing ability to create and give birth (don’t worry all you men, I mean metaphorically and not only physically!)

Many a cultures see Water as the source of all. Water, to all humans, means surviving or not surviving, life or death. Water is constantly influenced by our beautiful, motherly moon. The tides of the ocean depend on the moon phases and its workings, as all fishermen, devoted sailors, boatmen, divers and surfers know. It is almost a religous factor to them. So it should be for us all. Knowing this too, it is no coincidence that our moods change, like the tides of the seas, when the Moon is in her certain phases. Funny how the words ‘Moon” and ‘mood’ are rather similar – coincidence? Our bodies contain so much Water, how could we not be influenced? Even a woman’s menstrual cycle is effected by the Moon.


The Moon in herself, is a very motherly figure. The Sun is her Yang and she, the Yin. Maculine and Feminine. The element of Water, no doubt has a close connection with the Moon, but more about the Moon in a later part of the Elements chapter.


Your Sacral Chakra is the ‘bowl’ which holds all your emotions and experiences. It also has the power to release these, through creativity and birth of new ideas. Just as Water has the power to destroy or reguvinate and make new. Where do you think adages like, “A wave of relieve just crashed over me.” or “A feeling of peace washed over me immediately.” ? It’s no coincidence that this is the effect that the energies of Water has over humankind and all of nature. It relieves, releases, cleanses, heals and nurtures.


As your Sacral Chakra also governs your capacity to except the FLOW of life and in physical terms, your flexibility, it gives you the potential to go along with the daily events of life and steer away from being rigid and stubborn, not wanting to go with the flow and trying to go against the grain. This is one of the most intense qualities of Water (among hundreds!). When you feel you need to live a little, go with flow and enjoy what life is doing, instead of being a control freak and trying to maintain your own ‘idea’ of flow, go for a dip in the ocean, just float on the surface and feel your body moving with the flow of the tides, not fighting but enjoying the movements and letting go, giving into the natural flow of life.

Water is there to do just this. It is there to calm, release and balance your emotions, as well as to remind you that you have them if you are one of those souls who like to tuck them in your sleeve.


As the Chakra linked to the Sacral, is the Throat Chakra, because of it’s functions of release, creativity, communicatin and expression, it is also linked to the element of Water. Water represents communication and expression. You can see this as communication between any two people or more, it is a constant flow of expression an release.


Water embodies traits and qualities like freedom and independence. This is no wonder, as when you look at Water, it is free, independant and flows only as it wishes. Water is healing in the aspects it possess to completely create, due to the destruction and ending of prior things.


We use Water to shower and clean ourselves, and this is no coincidence…


SECRET:  Water literally washes all other energies which we accumilate during the day from outside influences, besides our own, away. It leaves you and washes down the drain at your feet. Your energies, when releived of the burden of other accumilated vibrations, will contract within your body until a few moments after. Your own energies, then once again ingulf your body. This is your aura. Why do think you feel exhausted and drained after a shower or bath, then suddenly have loads of energy a few minutes later? Water really does cleanse us of more than physical dirt, but also energetic, vibrational dirt that we accumilate. Authorities and policemen use Water guns and sprays to calm down protesting crowds or conflicts in the streets, and guess what? It works every time. So, next time you have a bath or shower, keep this in mind. See those nasty energies you’ve accumilated from your boss or people in traffic just wash away, leaving your enegies, as well as your body literally clean and cleansed.


Thus, this stunning element of Water represents cleanliness and purity, innocence and virginity. Water is a force which changes everything around it (physically, spiritually and emotinally). Water itself is constantly changing, but always remains the same, a beautiful embodiment of the constant pulse of life.

There are many different qualities of Water and many reasons to harness its energies. We all need the element of Water close to us in daily life, as everything it stands for is a necessity to our well being on every level. I would suggest intensifying its energies and harnessing them for healing, especially. Otherwise, you should invite Water into your life when:



v  you need to calm an agitated or chaotic state in someone or some place

v  you need to communicate well and clearly

v  you need a feeling of peace, detachment and relaxation

v  you feel you need to quieten your mental activity

v  you feel you need to heal mental, emotional and physical pain

v  you need any kind of healing (yourself and others), also to speed up the natural healing process of the body

v  you need to release something(mentally/emotionally/physically)

v  you need solitude

v  you feel you need to become accustomed to the natural flow of things and become more in tune with it (including changing your perception)

v  there is a lack of flow and movement in your life

v  you feel you need relief

v  you need the emotional and mental strength to see an end to something in your life

v  you feel you need to cleanse yourself on any level

v  you need creative inspiration


Here are a few fun and simple ways in which to invite the ever nurturing element of Water into your life and learn to keep it!:




This exercise (the Baddah konasana) can be done pretty much anywhere you feel closest to the element of Water. As we aren’t all so lucky to live near a sea, dam or river. If you have a Water feature in your home, a spot somewhere near it would be ideal. Although, not to worry. You can do this exercise after a shower or bath, with your hair still being a bit wet, which would give you just that little bit of an extra feeling of closeness to this element. If none of the above are relevant to you or tickle your fancy, personally, it’s perfectly fine as well. The only must is that it is a spot facing to the west – the corresponding direction of Water. Perfectly doable, I’d say.


First and foremost, friend, go to your kitchen and pour yourself a glass of fresh Water. Now, glug it down and imagine your entire body being engulfed in its cleansing properties and its flowing, calming nature. Done? Great.


When you have found that appropriate spot, stand facing west and close your eyes. Still your mind and breathe slowly and calmly. On your in breath, imagine breathing in the calmness of a deep blue, cleansing and flowing ocean and feel it flow down through your mind and body. On your out breath, see grey smoke coming out of you and leaving you. This grey smoke contains all the stresses and worries you have within you. It contains negative thoughts and unnecessary mental activity that is harmful. Imagine that grey smoke leaving you and your body as you breathe out. See it rise up into the atmosphere, far away from you, and disappear completely where it can no longer harm. Do this breathing a few times over, until you feel completely relaxed, content and still.


Slowly lower yourself to sit on the floor, bending your knees outward. Keeping your back comfortably up straight, let your knees fall outwards, allowing the soles of your feet meet. Do not try and press your knees to the ground, that isn’t the point of this exercise. Remember, all exercises and stretches should be totally comfortable to allow the free flow of energy. Now, move your feet as inward and close to you as is comfortable for you. Place both your hands over your feet or toes that have met in front of you. Concentrate on your breathing – being slow, comfortable and peaceful. Empty your mind and only let thoughts of the qualities of Water enter. Qualities like release, flow, renewal, purification, healing and its cleansing nature. Imagine a stream of that amazing Water running through your body freely, as your energy should, washing over and through your whole being – mind and body. Visualize all the Water exiting at the point of your Sacral Chakra (just above your pubic bone, beneath your navel), allowing all your stresses and emotional tension to be released and your body and mind cleansed by the constant flow of the stream. Hold this pose as long as comfortable and as long as you feel you need to – and trust me, you’ll know! –  then release.


Remember to always thank the Water and ground yourself with an exercise on page 126 once more.

The benefits of  doing this exercise every day are endless, and you should find yourself more receptive, creative and you’ll establish a certain flow in all your activities.





Now that you’ve got that energy in your mind and body blissfully flowing, it’s about time to get that creativity flowing. And what better outlet than decoration in the name of Water itself?


As you’ve seen in the list on page 193, there are hundreds of items and physical correspondences of Water, which you can use to incorporate the energy of this element into your life and home. It is completely up to your own personal preference and taste. Most common is a bowl of Water or any container of Water – preferably transparent so that your naked eye is able to actually see the Water when passing by. Other lovely items are pictures of dolphins, whales and fish. Then, of course, there are Water features. I have always had a magnetic fondness for Water features and they are a lovely investment, if you are so financially inclined (if not, you should a bit more Earth in your life and ask for abundance, growth and prosperity!). Shells are also a lovely decoration for anywhere in the home. Most window sills would greatly appreciate a shell or two to perk them up!


Once you’ve found and gathered your ‘Water items’ , find a place in your home facing the west and arrange them in your newly created ‘Water space’. Play with the items and think of all the wonderful qualities of Water – creativity, regeneration, self exploration, movement, healing, feeling, releasing emotions, flexibility, cleansing, receptivity, subconscious, inspiration. Then see and feel these traits within each item radiating these energies constantly. Whatever your chosen items, find little places within your home to put them. You can place them all over – wherever you feel you will notice and see them in the places you think suit best for your daily routines.

Throw blue cloths over the couches or a table, change those brown drapes to a beautiful calming blue. You’ll feel the effects in no time!


Whenever you feel the need for the energies of Water in your life, spend some time in your ‘Water space’ and feel the energy running through your mind, body and home. Life is a constant flow, after all, and only when we release, create and heal, can we float gracefully with the natural flow of things and live a little!


Brightest blessings,


The FIRE element – excerpt from her new book B.E Human – 06/03


v  Hot, dry, active

v  Direction: South

v  It represents strength, courage, devotion, danger, passion, impulsiveness and transformation, death, destruction, birth, renewal.

v  Chakra: Solar Plexus

Fire has proved to be one of the more intense elements of them all. Not that the other natural elements aren’t deeply intense in the their own qualities, but the first common human thought of FIRE, indeed seems to stir something very primal within us. The qualities of Fire, alone – be it the esoteric or the physical – are definitely not to be bargained with or tested and are so vast and powerful on their own. Fire has the power to transform. It physically transforms solids into liquids, to gas, and still has the power to turn it back again. In layman’s terms and looking at the bigger picture, it holds the power to transform the material (or esoteric) state of any substance into a different form or state. Within our bodies, the element of Fire corresponds with our own fiery Solar Plexus, and if you can recall from chapter 1: Chakras, it governs (among other things) our hard working digestive system. This lovely system of ours, governed by our “inner fire energy” breaks down our foods and also converts food into fat (stored energy) and muscle. Fire transforms food into energy, just as it transforms many other states of matter (and non matter).

Fire has always had a two-fold effect on us humans. And rightfully so, it always will. Physically, it can provide you with heat, it can serve as a source to cook your food upon, to boil water, and always brings a sense of warmth and closeness. But, just as our Solar Plexus governs our personal power and confidence, when it is out of whack, Fire is also an impulsive and dangerous element, which can for one moment be a silent, warm flame  and then suddenly, without warning, burst. It can wreck havoc and destroy, invoking feelings of fear and terror. Fire has the power to bestow upon one wings of bravery and courage, compassion and love. Fire embodies intense power and is absolutely not one bit subtle. For its vast uses and qualities of both positivity and negativity, I always see it as the force burning within each of us, giving us a willpower of steel to go for our goals and bestowing upon us the confidence and passion to do it with. Not to mention the power to transform our cowardliness into strength, our fears into confidence and our will into material form. Every one of us has this flame or fire within us, and has the power to use it at our own digression. Why do you think adages like, “I’m burning with desire!” or “She’s shining with confidence!” exist? Exactly. The beauty of it is, if we need more “Fire” energy qualities within us, there is so much surrounding us in the natural elements, held within the Sun and sky, of which is never ending and far more than enough to go around.


Fire in its physical form, can be seen in a single flame, a fire, or most commonly in the blazing Sun that graces our beautiful planet each day for the bigger half of 24 hours (in most countries, that is). Fire is mostly seen as a red, yellow, gold or orange force and an instant feeling of heat is felt at the mere thought of it. It posseses the quality with a tendency to expand and enkindle things nearby (just as spiritually as it does physically). This goes for positive and negative “Fire”. As soon as it is “lit”, it will reach out to anything near by, be it a “good” fire of confidence and warmth or a “bad” fire of anger, without control.

Fire is a thing without borders, once released it will go on destroying until IT is destroyed. If you want to utilize it, you have to keep a close watch on it. If you have Fire for a campfire or for warmth, you have to put stones around it so it won’t become too big and begin to burn you. Fire is an over eager element and usually overdoes its job if you don’t give it a set and controlled limit.

Even at the thought of our fiery Sun, it provides us with heat and gives all plant life and human life the neccesities of vitamin D and many other important minerals needed to sustain life. It can dry our clothes and make our day that much more enjoyable when it’s out. Although, similarly, when too much time is spent under our amazing burning star of a Sun in the sky, we get sun burnt and dehydrated, or to a higher degree, heat stroke.

Fire has proven itself to be an element of extremes. This not only gives it the ability to be greatlly respected and cherished, but also embodies all it’s qualities and energies in every aspect of its physical appearence.

There are hundreds of items that symbolize and correspond with the element of Fire’s intense and unwavering energies, and I will be giving you a few pointers on how to utilize them to invite these qualities into your life in just a moment. These are as follows:

v  Candles

v  Flames

v  Actual fire

v  A picture of the Sun

v  A picture of fire

v  Lamp

v  Oil burner (candle dependant)

v  Crystals and rocks such as: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Citrine, Bloodstone and volcanic rock.

The colour correspondences of Fire are:

v  Red

v  Gold

v  Yellow

v  White gold

v  Orange

v  Crimson

(Above – in other words – the colours of the Sun’s light and its influence on the sky and our Earth)


Now that the physical matter of the element of Fire has been listed and is now fully acknowledged, we can go on to look at how this matter corresponds with our bodies mentally, emotionally and physically.

As we have seen, Fire is recognized and known for its intense nature and the ability to be greatly positive, as well as being misused or overused to turn devastatingly negative. Your Solar Plexus Chakra (above your navel, below your ribcage) is governed by the element of Fire and will always have this link to one another. Now, this couldn’t be more fitting when looking at all the bodily functions and organs governed by this Chakra. Your Solar Plexus corresponds with your digestive, immune and nervous systems. Like we’ve already seen, as one of the qualities of Fire is to transform, so your digestive system does in transforming your food into energy and waste. It’s no wonder that if there is one certain ailment in this system, it’s called heartBURN – and with good reason!

Your Solar Plexus also governs traits of yours such as, personal power, will, confidence, passion and self worth. It is the seat of where your fear is replaced by courage and your feelings of inferiority are replaced with self confidence. Just as with your own goals and your will power to obtain them, when Fire has “caught” something, it “fights” for it until it has consumed it, burned it down, or destroyed it. It only extinguishes by itself, when it sees fit, or has to be extinguished by outside influesnces stepping in. Fire doesn’t know the words ‘fear’ or ‘doubt’, just as you shouldn’t when your Solar Plexus is in good balance.

Similarly,  when it is overused or out of balance, it knows neither mercy nor shame. If it wants something, it will consume everything in and on its path to eventually get it. That is the danger of overusing the energy of Fire and its qualities in your life.

The flip side of the coin is just the same. Without enough influence of the energies of the element of Fire, you will be left wanting. You may allow yourself to give in to fear, doubt and anxiety rather easily, and possess traits of being meek and mild. Fire is your strength, your passion, your determination, your ability to transform and your right to be fully content. (More about contentment and Fire in a minute). Physically, if you don’t spiritualy have enough of the influence of Fire in your life, you are going to have a tough time with that digestive system (to name only one ailment of many). So, I hope my rammblings on Fire hasn’t scared you off too much (on the contrary, I hope!), because then you may have to put a few more books and magazines in your toilet, if you don’t allow the energies of this element into your body, mind and home. This is just a friendly warning!

Now, to get back to contentment, as I promised. Think about the Sun for a second or 5. The feelings one would get are those of joy happiness, confidence, shining with smiles and true contentment. This is how your Sun should be and this is the Sun you should have within your own Solar Plexus. Shine with the fire of the Sun, and you will experience true joy and contentment. Not to  mention, drive and ambition!

To keep an eye and make sure “Fire” is safe and controlled, you know it has been overused when traits such as possessiveness, anger, hatred, over confidence and selfishness start to surface. I cannot stress enough, just as Fire can warm, transform, renew and shine, so it can also destroy and consume. With great power, comes great responsibility, friend. The key is to keep it under control and in your care constantly.

Fire represents passion, love, compassion and desire, which are all very intense emotions alone. This makes their link with Fire unwaveringly true. Adages like, “I’m trying to rekindle the flame.” or “The sparks are always there!” weren’t created and thought up out of nowhere, it is clearly the influence Fire has over us.

A lovely example I like making use of to illustrate the indestructible energies and qualities of Fire, is the symbolic animal of Fire -the Phoenix, sometimes referred to as the “Bird of Flames”. The Phoenix is a legendary immortal creature, said to be an incarnation of many different Gods (depending on belief systems), which rises again and again from its own ashes, whose eternal flame can never be extinguishged. I use this example because, just as the Fire of the human soul cannot be extinguished, niether can the Fire of love, of passion, of ambition and will power within each of us.

Fire stands for unbridled emotions, hatred and anger, but also love and contentment. Fire stands for change and renewal. It is no wonder that it is written in many scriptures and prophecies that the Earth will be consumed in Fire on Armageddon. It will no doubt be done in order to renew and transform the Earth, cleansing it of all impurities.

Fire is the burning in your soul, moving you to fight for whatever you may believe in. Fire represents your will, your drive and your passion and never commitment only, but also its realization and your ability to do so.

In all its intensity, Fire is love and Fire is life. Fire is part of you and with the knowledge of how to invite this element into your body and home, you hold its power in your hands and have the ability to once more reunite yourself and your surroundings with this unfailing force of Fire.

One should always incorporate the element of Fire into your home and not only harness its magnetic energies when you feel it’s needed, but also in daily routine to promote drive, passion and love into it. Although, specifically, put Fire in your life when:

v  you feel there is an inability to make your dreams a reality

v  you have feelings of fear, anxiety or insecurity leading to nervous, digestive and immune disorders

v  you need to let go of the past and move forward with motivation and action

v  you have feelings of indecision and confusion

v  you have poor memory or trouble with focus and concentration

v  you want to create a sensual or romantic and passionate atmosphere

v  you feel you need motivation and drive

v  you feel you need confidence and increased, higher feelings of self worth

v  you need determination and energy for a task of any kind

v  you feel you need physical strength or mental strength (or both – these two go very much hand in hand! And having one without the other doesn’t do anyone much good.)

Here are a few fun and simple ways in which to invite the magnetic element of Fire into your life and (hopefully) keep it!:



Alright. This exercise, you’ll notice, is very similar to the example I gave you in the Channelling chapter on page 125. The only difference here, is your OWN reason behind it and what you are wanting to harness and bring into your life. That, and this exercise uses your hands. As well as your breathing and your mind’s eye, naturally.

Since we are dealing with inviting the element of Fire into your life and body, you should best find a candle (preferably orange, yellow or red, but it’s no biggie if it’s purple or even rainbow coloured – you just need that flame!)  If you don’t own a candle, or can’t seem to find one, it’s no problem. That was only the first option. The second – and actually my own preferred method – is to stand in the Sun. In the sunlight, outside (but, of course!). Find a place where you feel closest to that Fire of the Sun. To the qualities of its energy and those of the qualities you want to harness. You will find, more often than not, it is outside in the Sun. I must also add, that it is obviously best to do this exercise in the day, because of this particular reason. And remember, even if it’s cloudy or overcast, the Sun is surely there, as strong as ever.

If the ground is too hard, please get yourself a comfy mat or towel (also for keeping those creepy crawlies at a safe distance). Otherwise, grassy foundations and lawns are perfect. Once you have found that spot, stand up straight, relaxed and close your eyes. Breathe in and out slowly, calmly and still your mind. On your in breath, imagine breathing in the purest cleanest Air, shining with a fantastic white or yellow light, and on your out breath, imagine all your stresses, thoughts and worries leaving you through your out breath. Picture it as a big black cloud floating out of your body and away from you, up into the atmosphere, to where it can no longer harm. Do this for as long as you feel the need to and until you feel completely still and centred.

Now, kneel down on the ground with only one knee. You should have one on the ground, with that foot behind you and the other leg in front of you with your foot firmly on the ground on front of you (as if a man about to be knighted would kneel). Keep your back straight and your arms relaxed. Continue your slow breathing.

Bring your arms stretched above your head as high as you can, your hands meeting each other about 30-40cm above your head in a seemingly prayer-like position – palms against one another and pointing upwards. I like to aim my hands directly at the Sun above me, so it’s up to if you’d like to position yourself in this manner before you commence to kneeling.

Keeping your arms up, focus on your breathing once more. Slowly and calmly in and out. Close your eyes. Let the feelings and images of the qualities of the Sun and the qualities of Fire you are harnessing float through your mind. Contentment. Confidence. Personal power. Passion. Courage. Joy.

On your in breath, imagine a brilliant yellow beam of light coming from the Sun, into your pointed hands, carrying all those qualities, running down your arms. Now, breath out slowly, as if to breath this light into your body. Bring your hands down slowly, holding the point and place your hands at your Solar Plexus Chakra. By this channelling, the brilliant yellow light has now travelled from the Sun, into your hands, down your arms and you have placed it within your own Solar Plexus – within your own body and mind.

This should be done three times over, raising your hands again and repeating the visualization and breathing. You, however, may do it as much as you feel is needed.

After you feel this is completed, and you feel the energies and qualities of the Fire of the Sun settling in, it’s time to change over to the other knee and repeat it through on that side. Changing nothing but your knees.

After both sides are done to your satisfaction, you may want to stand up straight and stay in the Sun for another few seconds with your eyes closed, to soak up all the energies you have harnessed and let yourself settle with the feelings it brings. Always thank the Sun and remember to ground yourself afterward, of course, the way I explained on page 126.

NOTE: If you have chosen to skip on the Sun and the outside environment, and prefer to do it inside with a candle, the only thing that changes is the direction of your hands. Point them towards he candle instead, harnessing the qualities of Fire. Thank the Fire after you are done, and remember to keep your candle in a fire safe container. Yes, we love Fire, but we don’t want the house covered in flames!



I must say, I’m sure it’s depends on personal colour preferences but friend, in my opinion, Fire is my favourite element to “decorate” my home for (and it looks beautiful in the night time!). So, now comes the fun stuff! Get together all your candles, Fire corresponding crystals and stones (see page 175) and don’t forget to dig up your cupboards for nice coloured cloths that are red, orange or yellow.

Since the corresponding direction of Fire is South, firstly  find an area in the South side of your home where you can place your candle (or three!) and lay your cloth or your stones under or next to it.

Once this is done, stand in front of your “Fire space” and spend some time with the items. Play with the stones and your cloth. Stare into the burning flames of the candle(s). Think about the traits and qualities of the element of Fire – transformation, confidence, passion, determination, will power, courage, love,  compassion, personal power and contentment. Then see and feel these traits within each item radiating these energies constantly. Whatever your chosen items, find little places within your home to put them. You can place them all over – wherever you feel you will notice and see them in the places you think suit best for your daily routines.

Throw red or orange or yellow cloths over your couches, chairs, tables, wherever! It’s all there to be with you and within you. And whenever you feel you need to harness these energies more intensely, go to your “Fire space” and repeat the exercise with the candle (or the Sun).

You are meant to shine from within, not only be shined upon.

Brightest blessings,


Holistic therapist and spiritual counselor

Port Elizabeth